Cleadon Church of England Academy

Flourishing together as one

Mental Health


Wellbeing Wednesday
Welcome back! We have changed our Websafe Wednesday to Wellbeing Wednesday. Every Wednesday we will share posts which will help and advice on keeping safe and looking after our wellbeing.
This week's post focuses on Family Wellbeing: BBC Bitesize has a wealth of information in this helpful Parents' Toolkit
Click the link below to visit this post
National Wellbeing Award 2023
Some exciting news to share! Today, we received confirmation that we have achieved the National Wellbeing Award. The school has also gained the pioneer badge for its work to support staff and pupil wellbeing. A huge well done must go to Miss Merrin for her work on the award in implementing a range of initiatives across the school and bringing the evidence together for the assessment.

Everyone Worries

The children in Year 1 took part in a workshop called 'Everyone Worries.' They learnt about feelings and how to deal with them. They said the session was so much fun!

Place2Be have flagged up this course which is free and available to all parents. Parenting Smart Online course which starts 14 November.  As you will see below Registration deadline is the 30 October. Click the link below to join.

How to Eat an Elephant

The children in Year 3 worked with the Healthy Minds Team to complete the How to Eat an Elephant programme. The children loved learning the techniques to make problem solving easier. 

DOSE Magazine

DOSE Magazine is hub of happiness that has been filled with free resources and articles, to empower children to manage their happiness, by releasing their happy hormones Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin and Endorphins. We empower through increased emotional and psychological intelligence and resilience to inspire a happier home, school and community. Click the link below to access the page.

Well Being Booklet

TTS have released a lovely Wellbeing Booklet which you can download by clicking the picture below. The activities in this booklet have been specially selected and written to help support children with their wellbeing. There are no objectives to reach or worksheets to complete, they simply offer children the opportunity to be creative, physical or to explore their feelings and emotions.


They also have a range of Home Learning Packs, which are  also free to download. 

Image result for tts home learning packs

Children’s Mental Health Week 

* The theme of Place2Be Children's Mental Health Week this year is 'Express Yourself'
* The aim is to encourage children to express themselves in a variety of ways.
* It's all about helping children to find a way to show other people who they are and how they feel and it is a great way to improve mental wellbeing.
* Children can express how they feel through a piece of artwork or writing, or through a dance or drama.

There are some great activities to complete with your child if you follow either of the links below:


Click the icon below to visit the NSPCC Calm Zone which has lots of lovely ideas  and calming activities to boost wellbeing at school and home.

Click here to visit a site which explains how to talk to children about Covid-19.

Click here to view A Guide to Living With Worry and Anxiety Amidst Global Uncertainty.

Mental Health Champions

Mental Health Champions are your ‘go to’ person in school to talk to about how you are feeling or anything you are worried about. Every school in South Tyneside has at least one Mental Health Champion.

Champions have had specialist training to make sure they can offer the correct help and advice to young people.

Mental Health Champions are trusted adults who offer help confidentially. Anything you say to your Mental Health Champion won’t be passed on unless you or someone you know is being hurt or is likely to be hurt.”

Our designated Mental Health Champion is Miss Merrin.