Cleadon Church of England Academy

Flourishing together as one

S.M.S.C - Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural 


In contrast to specific curriculum subjects, this area relates to the whole life of the school, which is informed by the vision and ethos of the school with particular importance on promoting spiritual, moral, social and cultural development (SMSC).

This is achieved through the positive example set by all adults in school, the quality of relationships between all stakeholders and the standard of daily collective worship.

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development in a church school is distinctive because these four aspects of the school curriculum are inextricably rooted in the reality of God the Holy Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Although SMSC can be delivered throughout aspects of the wider curriculum, on an on-going basis, the Religious Education curriculum and Collective Worship in a church school is the place where excellent and distinctive SMSC is seen most clearly.


Click on the links below for more information about other areas of our SMSC: 


British Values (click here)


Rights Respecting (click here)


RE in school (click here)


Mental Health (click here)


Policies Page (click here)