Cleadon Church of England Academy

Flourishing together as one

Junior Leadership Team 

We would like to welcome the members of our Junior Leadership Team Mr Robb and Mr Scott will be meeting with the children to discuss class inquiries, fundraising and school improvement. Each member will have their own specialist area which they will take responsibility for. They have some very exciting plans, so watch this space for news, updates and photographs. 

Macmillan Coffee Afternoon
Thank you for your wonderful support yesterday afternoon. The Junior Leadership Team enjoyed serving you. We are pleased to share that we raised £616.55 for Macmillan Cancer Support which is an exceptional amount. Thank you to everyone who brought their own cups. The eco team were very impressed!
Junior Leadership Team Planting
This afternoon, the Junior Leadership Team added plants to the planters outside school. They did an excellent job and we are looking forward to seeing the plants bloom over the Spring / Summer season. They have devised a watering rota to ensure that we have a wonderful entrance way to the school. Well done JLT and thank you!

Our Visit to London


On 1st March 2024 the School Leadership team (and 12 adults) boarded a train and made the journey to London. We had our breakfast on the train and spent a lovely few hours chatting, playing games and spending time with our friends.

When we arrived at The Houses of Parliament our first activity was to watch a really informative video about the History of Parliament.  After that were lucky enough to be able to view live debates in both The House of Lords and The House of Commons. We even took part in our own mock debate about banning school uniform! As you can imagine the children were more in favour of getting rid of uniform that the grown-ups!

After we visited The Houses of Parliament we crossed the bridge to the London Eye. It was a lovely clear day so we could see for miles over the city. Everyone enjoyed spotting Buckingham Palace, The Shard and Cleopatras Needle. 

After half an hour in the sky we came back down to earth and realised that, unfortunately,  our day was coming to an end. After a quick trip to McDonalds we headed to St Pancras to get the train back home. 

Everyone had a fantastic day and all of the staff and adults who attended the trip said that they were unbelievably proud of the children. Their cheerful attitudes and boundless curiosity made this adventure very special for all involved. 

The 12 Days of Christmas
Following the huge success of last year’s 12 Days of Christmas collection, the Junior Leadership Team would like to make a special effort to support our local foodbank this year, helping all families to be able to have a happy and joyful Christmas. For the first 12 school days of December (1st – 18th), our trolley will be outside ready to welcome your donations.
We will be collecting a variety of things this year on the following dates:
• 1st, 4th & 5th- Non-perishable foods (e.g. tinned food, packet items, small Christmas treats etc.)
• 6th, 7th & 8th- Toiletries (toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, body wash etc.)
• 11th, 12th & 13th- Donations to support our furry friends (food, treats etc.)
• 14th, 15th & 18th- Toys and gifts

King's Coronation Celebration and Mayoral Visit - 12th May 2023

Despite the poor weather leading to the cancellation of our 'Picnic Party' for King Charles III's coronation, the children welcomed Mayor Pat Hay and Mayoress Jean Copp to school on Friday 12th May. The Mayor and Mayoress had a tour around the school before meeting the School Council to plant two trees to mark King Charles III's coronation and to commemorate Queen Elizabeth II.

The Mayor and Mayoress were then treated to a performance by the choir, accompanied by the rest of the school, of a medley of British songs. They were fantastic. 

The Mayor and Mayoress were incredibly impressed by the excellent performance, outstanding behaviour and the wonderful work that they saw on display and in books.

The weather may have been dull, but the children certainly shone. 

School Council Trip to London - March 2023

On Friday 17th March our School Council travelled to London to visit the Houses of Parliament. They saw a debate in the House of Commons, saw the Royal Throne on the House of Lords and took part in a debate workshop. 

They dashed to the London Eye and loved the views. After a quick photograph outside Buckingham Palace, they had to make their way to the train station for the long journey home. 

It was a fabulous day!

Earthquake Appeal for Turkey and Syria - February 2023

Our School Council Children were keen to help with the disaster relief effort for the people so badly affected by the earthquake in Turkey/Syria. By linking up with a local community group at the Turkish Mosque, we were able to pass on the many bags of donations to the help. 

We would like to thank everyone for their kindness and generosity in helping with this appeal. The local community group were incredibly grateful for the abundance of resources donated.

Poppy Appeal 2022

Our School Council Children were proud to sell poppies in school. As a school we raised £236.25 for the Poppy Appeal. 

Northumberland Zoo's Animal Adoption - Autumn 2022

Following on from our visits to the zoo, we held a non-uniform day with the aim of adopting an animal. The non-uniform day raised the total sum of £357.10. This meant that we were able to adopt four animals from the zoo on the top gold package. The School Council worked with their classes to hold a survey to decide on the animals to adopt. After a very close contest, we are now proud adopters of a meerkat, a snow leopard, a lemur and an otter. We plan to visit the zoo in the next few weeks to take some work to display in the entrance foyer and meet our animals to formalise the adoption process. If you would like to visit the zoo then your child has a free year’s pass that they should have taken home with them. Our school’s name and logo will be displayed next to the enclosure for our adopted animals.

School Council Visit - June 2022

On Monday 27th June the Key Stage 2 members of our School Council visited London for the day.

Our plans to visit the Houses of Parliament had to be changed due to travel issues, but despite this we all had an amazing day!

It was lovely to spend time with our friends on the train, we had lunch in the park and a trip on the London Eye. 

The staff are so proud of our wonderful children, who were a joy to spend the day with.

They received so many positive comments from the public on their excellent behaviour!

Ukraine Day - March 2022

The School Council’s Campaign to Support Ukraine

The School Council would like to raise donations to support the humanitarian work being done to help the people of Ukraine. After a very thoughtful and inspiring meeting to share ideas, the children decided that they would like to hold a non-uniform day with a yellow / blue theme next Friday (25th March). A voluntary donation of £1 for the Disasters Emergency Committee would be gratefully received. The Government have pledged to match donations to the appeal pound-to-pound up to £20 million.

There will be a range of activities throughout the day and every child in the school will bring home a sunflower seed in a small pot to grow at home. There will be a competition to share photographs of these sunflowers on Facebook and the school’s website during the summer term. There will be prizes for the tallest sunflowers in EYFS, KS1 and KS2.

On behalf of the school council, I would like to thank you for your support.

MP Visit - March 2022

The School Council children had a special visitor on Friday 11th March. Kate Osborn MP came to visit our school to speak with the School Council about her life as a serving MP. The children learned all about what inspired Kate to follow her chosen career path and how she supports other MP's and her local community. The children were very excited to meet her and asked lots of interesting questions.

Health and Safety Checklists

Mrs Duffy has recently had a very special job for the School Council. She needed some help to create some health and safety checklists to use in the classrooms as she is our co-ordinator for the  Right Respecting School Award. The lists needed to tie in with the articles below:


Article 6 - Every child has the right to develop to their full potential. 

Article 19 - Every child has the right to be kept safe. 

Article 24 - Every child has the right to the best possible health. 

Article 28 - Every child has the right to education. 


Mr Robb and the School Council members suggested that there should be a morning and and afternoon checklist and that there should be an identified Health and Safety Monitor in each class. The children then worked together with Mrs Duffy to decide on the checklist points. You can view the lists below. 


House Team Display!
The School Council set the children a challenge to support creating a new display for the newly named landmark house teams. They expected to choose one winner for each landmark for the display. The outstanding art work that was produced meant that we had to create a whole board for each team. Well done children!

Playground Equipment

The members of the School Council met with Mr Robb to discuss playground equipment. Each class had discussed what kind of toys and equipment they would like and passed their ideas onto the School Council members to be presented in the meeting. What kind of toys and equipment would you like to see in our yards?

Playground Equipment

Christmas Tree Challenge - 2021

Our Christmas 2021 celebrations started with a challenge from the School Council. They asked for photographs of the children's Christmas trees to brighten up our Face Book and website pages. As you can see by the photos below we have had a really good response. Twinkling trees and sparkling smiles, its beginning to feel a lot like Christmas!

Children in Need - November 2021

In November we held our annual Children in Need Day. Our School Council members pitched their classes ideas for the theme of the day. There were some excellent suggestions! Mrs Gray agreed that we could have a pyjama day in school.

We are pleased to announce that we raised a very impressive £566.08 for this brilliant charity! A big thank you to everyone who donated.

Cleadon's Got Talent - Summer 2021

The first task for our newly appointed School Council was to help in the planning of Cleadon's Got Talent. Each council member attended the meeting and then passed on all of the information to their classes. They made a list of contestants and even attended some of the Auditions.